Homeschool Outdoor Learning Days

For homeschoolers ages 6-12

Suggested Donation: $50 Reduced: $25

Your event donation amount can be made by clicking here (we ask that you select the option to cover your own fees for this method) or by bringing a check. Spots are limited to 15 students. Info about what to bring and schedule will be sent out a week before.

Come join us for a day of outdoor learning on our 100 acre campus on the mountain. Each day will include math, reading, writing, and art activities centered around an ecological theme.

Friday, October 27

Trees of the Blue Ridge

We’ll explore our forest and catalog and measure trees young and old. How many species will we find? Why do different trees turn different colors? How high can we build a leaf pile? Come find out!

Friday, December 1st

Blue Ridge Geology

Come learn about the history of these beautiful mountains we live in. Did you know the oldest rock in the world is part of the Blue Ridge Mountains?

Sample Schedule:
8:45 - 9 - Arrive
9:00 - Walk in
9:30 - Math activities and puzzles
10:00 - Snack and morning break
10:30 - Reading and writing activities
11:45 - Recess and lunch
12:45 - Quiet time
1:00 - Art project
2:00 - Hike 
3:15 - Clean up and walk out
3:30 - Pickup