Holler Creek Preschool Mornings

For children ages 3-5 and their caregivers

Suggested Donation: $30 Reduced: $5-20

Payment can be made by clicking here (We ask that you cover your own credit card fees to use this option) or by bringing a check the day you arrive. Spots are limited to 10 children.

Come join us for a morning to play and learn together on our 100 acre campus on the mountain. Each day will include nature play, storytime, and a craft or other hands-on activity centered around an ecological theme.

Monday, October 30

Trees and the Changing Seasons

We will focus on fall leaves today. On our walk, we will notice their different shapes and colors as we collect and sort leaves, share an autumn story, explore what fall means for plants, and do an art project with leaves.

Monday, December 11

Animals in Winter

We will think about different animals that adapt, hibernate, and migrate to handle the change in seasons. We will look for evidence of animals in the area on our walk, and do activities, games, and art together around the theme of winter.

Sample Schedule:
8:45 - 9 - Arrive and play in creek
9:00 - Walk in together
9:30 - Story and greeting circle time
10:00 - Craft activity
10:30 - Snack
10:45 - Nature walk
11:15 - Free play activities 
11:45 - Closing circle
11:50 - Walk out
12:00 - Finish and goodbye

For each morning, please bring your child a snack, water bottle, and change of clothes. We will meet rain or shine unless you hear from us otherwise!